
The week ahead: zen, vegan, Indonesian.

Do you know what TM stands for?

That’s right! It’s Terribly Magnificent, which is precisely what you are if you’re reading this blog.

But it also stands for Transcendental Meditation, which is the brand of meditation I do, and which (The Beatles did it, and Heather Graham does it, along with The Rolling Stones and David Lynch etc etc) I learned a couple of years ago from my beautiful cousin, Guru Gaz, who teaches it all over the world, but mostly in North Bondi.

I love it because it’s designed for people who have a rubbish attention span, and not much time, but who need to be creative and stress free and focused. I find it easy and excellent and am happy to speak about it at length to anyone silly enough to ask what it’s all about.

Anyway, so today, I’m flying to stay in a glorious villa on Bingin Beach, Bali for a one week retreat with a collective of other TM types from Straya, to eat lovely Ayurvedic food and do lots of TM and yoga and swim and just be a superzen fruit in general.

I’m very excited, but I’m not sure what internet access will be like there, or whether it’s, y’know, "allowed", so I will do my best to blog about a life far removed from leaking apartments and uggboots, but please don’t throw tinned tomatoes (or kidney beans) if I can’t post until my return next Sunday.

One thing I will definitely try to post while I am over there is a list of the beauty products I packed for a week in the sun. Not to brag, dear fruits, but to edumacate, because it’s always difficult to remember what you need for a hot climate when your toes are two degrees off frostbite, and, you know, some of you might be off for a European summer in the next few weeks, (you may be invited to the Packer wedding, for instance) and be rather interested indeed.

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Fruity’s new job jeans

And now, for something completely different.

Sometimes I forget what blogging is about.
I do.

See, the magazine writer side of me feels compelled to give you tips,
and products and incredible new ways to apply your mascara so that you
walk away feeling compelled and clever and 67% more likely to try gold
eyeliner than before clicking onto Fruitybeauty in your favourites bar
(because that’s where it sits, obviously).

But what I forget is that mostly, mostly blogging is supposed to be
about me, the Self-indulgent Blogger, spewing words onto a page about
whatever I experienced today that was interesting to me. Because,
y’know, after all, blog is merely the words ‘web’ and ‘log’ joined
together, and all it is meant to be is an online journal, but I just so
love telling you all of the practical stuff I learn at The Magazine,
that sometimes I forget that just writing about random stuff is nice

And why I tell you this is because this week, after three years at One
Amazing Magazine, I am changing to a New Amazing Magazine, and I am
fully aware that that brings with it a whole new fruit platter of
scariness and newness, and the idea of blogging each night on top of
this scariness and newness, was starting to terrify me a little, and
feel like a Must Do, not an Enjoyable Romp, and as we all know, when
blogging starts to feel even remotely like a chore, something is
hideously, violently wrong and an intervention, or at least a
pre-emptive strike is desperately required.

Look, probably nothing will change.
But I just wanted to flag
it so that if I miss a day here, or if my posts become a little shorter
that you’re used to, it’s not because I’m trying to break up with you.
It’s just that I’ll be wearing the job equivalent of a new pair of
jeans, and until they start loosening up, and moulding to the shape of
my bum, I wanted to have a little safety net in place.

With love and lychees,
Fruity Patooti McSplooti.

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Two thin, not one thick.

You may have read somewhere once (not here, definitely not here) that if you need to get out the door but NEED to have pretty nails, that one thick coat of polish slapped onto your talons will do the trick.

Fruits, I am here to say that this is an utter falsity, because how can putting a thick, glob of something that already takes time to dry, even when spread thin, be a clever idea?

It can’t be.

It’s silly and we must all do our best to stop these dreadful lies once and for all.

What should be done, is two very speedy thin layers.

Give each layer 60 seconds to dry and you’ll be a lot happier when just fifteen minutes later you need to dig into your handbag for your keys and your polish comes out sans indents. And if you REALLY can’t even spare that much time? One opaque polish; one thin coat. This is NOT THE TIME FOR SHEER POLISH.

I used L’Oreal’s new version of jet-set quick dry lacquer (it’s in a skinny thin bottle) in a blood red the other day in just this situation, and yes, it chipped the next day, but that one thin coat was a nail-saver at the time. Plus, I found the brush to be excellent: Even someone on amphetamines, three red bulls and a triple espresso could’ve walked away with pretty nails using this brush.

Other clever things you can do to make it look good and dry faster:

Use a fast-drying shiny top coat.
Use a quick-dry drip over the top, ensuring you leave 60 seconds between top coat and doing this.
Do your nails at your desk the day before, and let them dry as you type personal emails and pretend to work.

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PJ’s that moisturise. True story.

Mitch Dowd. Remember them?

Big sleep wear company, especially in the men’s market, that used to be  huge but then kind of slipped into a pajama selling lull, probably caused because they were so snug in their little matching fleecy sets they forgot to show up at the office once or twice and then decided that as their behaviour was actually in line with their company motto of making excellently comfortable sleep wear so good you never wanted to get out of it into Real Life clothes that, you know, going to the office and stuff seemed way less important than it used to be.

I got sent some of their new stuff, called Zen Sleepwear.
Looks real good, in a Stella McCartney for Adidas way.


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Probably the best lash curler on the market.

So there’s this makeup brand, right, called She Uemura, and it’s created by an amazing Japanese makeup artist, and although he made lots of excellent things he was undoubtedly most famous for his eyelash curler which EVERY single makeup artist with the ability to apply foundation sans jawline line swears by because, oh, it’s just so beautifully and delicately made and your lashes just respond so perfectly and curl so incredibly. 

Mr Uemura and his magical lash machine used to be available in ‘Straya via Mecca cosmetica, but then one day it wasn’t, and it still isn’t and so most of us have carried on with our lives, secretly grieving our lashy curly loss but knowing deep down there’s always overseas, and we can buy it there, right? Right?

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Make-an-effort Monday

Say, Fruity, your makeup looks fiiiiiine today.

Mirror, my friend, I’m going to have to agree with you.

But how so fly at the start of the week? What’s the trick? I only had you for three minutes!

The trick, my reflective little puggle, is three fold: First I line my upper lashline with black liner, in a very neat, on-the-actual-lashline-way. It’s not smudged, it’s not smoky, and it’s probably very black eye shadow being used wet and applied with a lipstick brush. (From the Dior palette in Nightdust)


Second, I applied some lip stain on my lips. Red. (Revlon Limited Edition Bite Me in Plum Flushed.)


Finally, I applied Maybelline NY’s as-yet-unreleased but Definitely Excellent new gloss,  Shine Seduction, in #510. This delivered a truly flashy pout.

Sassy! You know, you really do look all ’40s and fun – what a gas that it only took you minutes to get this look!

Oh, I know. I almost feel like transcribing our conversation onto fruitybeauty so they can all be as lazily done on a mon.

Ooooh, careful Fruity: People may think you’re mentally unstable.

True, true.

Maybe I’ll just take a zany snap of the look instead.

Better. Leave your talking mirror out of it.


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Fruity’s in Dolly magamazine!


And that makes for a very nice Tuesday morning treat.
Comment if you found fruity in there – I like to welcome new fruits.


Bonus round: Right underneath the fruity bit (how adorable are those cherries?) is a talk up on dry shampoo. Which is a powdery like spray you use to refresh your hair and is probably The Best Hair Product, or In Fact, Invention, Ever. Even better than those machines that clean the inside and outside of your fish tank just by you holding one part on the outside, and moving the inside part around magnetically. If you’ve never seen one, you should probably buy a few disposable goldfish and a small (square) tank just to see it in action. Of course, I jest: No goldfish is disposable. Not even ones that look like they’re on their way out cause they’re not eating and are just kind of lolling about that neon pink castle you bought cause you thought fish would feel more at home if there were plastic houses around. Never preempt their death – sometimes they bounce back. I’ve seen it happen with Boggy – the black, bog-eyed goldfish. Because you know what? Cruelty to animals – or clean fish tanks – will not be tolerated here. Cruelty to greasy, oily roots on the other hand? Not only tolerated, but enthused. 

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Make an Effort Monday: Shadow-as-liner trickery.

This Monday fruits, I think we should all maybe try the flashy shadow-used-as-liner business I’ve been gibbering about. Whether you want to complement it with contoured cheeks, full pink lips and a backcombed pony is up to you and your Miss World manager, but I would suggest at least throwing in some creme blush, gloss and mascara (including that bottom lash trick I taught you last week) so your face looks balanced.

The key to this look-far-more-made-up-than-the-effort-you-put-in, trick, is buying wet and dry shadows. The high quality, finely-milled variety, which are high in pigment, are best. A lot of brands kindly specify if they’re wet and dry, but I know, for example, that most Lancome, Stila, Physicians Formula, Pout, Estee Lauder, Revlon and a lot of mineral makeup brands, are wet and dry. Anyone from brands I’ve missed please comment below so we all know. Go on, do it. Help us all look prettier in less time, for gorsakes.

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Pomegranate: Surprisingly, better for skin than for martinis

RangeWARNING! WARNING! Extensive Fruity Rave!

If that most humble of thick-skinned fruits, the pomegranate, were to be thrown in the WWE ring (obviously in a red silky robe) with green tea (I think you can guess which colour robe he would wear), and forced to rumble in order to prove who were the strongest antioxidant, pomegranate would kick green tea’s leafy little ass.

Which means that if you were to find the clever little, double-right-jabbing pom in your skin care, it would be a very Good Thing. Because the more potent the antioxidant, the less free radical damage you get, and the more time you’ll spend getting around looking young and fresh and fine-line-free. (Applause.)

I learned all of this when Estee Lauder launched their new skin care line for young, active fruits in their 20s, Nutritious. Not surprisingly, its key ingredient is of course, carrot. I mean pomegranate, its key ingredient is pomegranate.

Here’s a bowl of the good gear. And, Fruity being cheesy with the new range. I was in Singapore, hence the casual attire and, uh, lack of slap, and…. Ok so let’s focus back on pom; it’s the far more interesting fruit here.

27092006074 Cheesy

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Fruity Friday: Sparkly, spangly eyelids are not stupid.

And I would know, because I have recently become obsessed with them.

I’ve been wearing them during the day, with no other liner and some mascara and rosy, apple-of-the-cheeks blush and some gloss, and I have been wearing them at night, as per the image below, with black liner underneath and on the bottom rim, too, and blush further up the cheekbone and serious gloss with a touch of shimmer so everyone at the RSL can see me as I dance to Mel & Kim on retro night. (I jest: I would never dance to Mel & Kim at an RSL retro night. I would only do something like that at en ex-serviceman’s club.)

I prefer to not use a specific glitter liner, per se, but rather a wet and dry eye shadow used wet, and applied with a thin brush. That way I get full control and I can build up the intensity as I see fit.

My current obsession is a Lancome colour focus shade in dark olive metallic green of which the name entirely escapes me. We all know metallics are ‘in’ at the moment, but earthy tone metallics (copper, bronze, olive green, reddish-orangey-gold) are so in, they are almost inside out.

Try it tonight. After all, it is FRUITY FRIDAY!



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