
The week ahead: zen, vegan, Indonesian.

Do you know what TM stands for?

That’s right! It’s Terribly Magnificent, which is precisely what you are if you’re reading this blog.

But it also stands for Transcendental Meditation, which is the brand of meditation I do, and which (The Beatles did it, and Heather Graham does it, along with The Rolling Stones and David Lynch etc etc) I learned a couple of years ago from my beautiful cousin, Guru Gaz, who teaches it all over the world, but mostly in North Bondi.

I love it because it’s designed for people who have a rubbish attention span, and not much time, but who need to be creative and stress free and focused. I find it easy and excellent and am happy to speak about it at length to anyone silly enough to ask what it’s all about.

Anyway, so today, I’m flying to stay in a glorious villa on Bingin Beach, Bali for a one week retreat with a collective of other TM types from Straya, to eat lovely Ayurvedic food and do lots of TM and yoga and swim and just be a superzen fruit in general.

I’m very excited, but I’m not sure what internet access will be like there, or whether it’s, y’know, "allowed", so I will do my best to blog about a life far removed from leaking apartments and uggboots, but please don’t throw tinned tomatoes (or kidney beans) if I can’t post until my return next Sunday.

One thing I will definitely try to post while I am over there is a list of the beauty products I packed for a week in the sun. Not to brag, dear fruits, but to edumacate, because it’s always difficult to remember what you need for a hot climate when your toes are two degrees off frostbite, and, you know, some of you might be off for a European summer in the next few weeks, (you may be invited to the Packer wedding, for instance) and be rather interested indeed.

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