
If you pull out some gloss when in the company of other women, are you required to share it?

You know how back at school when you got busted with a mouth full of eucalyptus lollies and crazy Mr Kavanagh said, right, either you share with everyone, or no one has any, you included.

And so you mashed and crunched your way through those lollies like your teeth were some form of demonic clamp of death so that you could achieve a win-win by inhaling your goods before you were made to spit them out, and no minger sitting two rows back would get their grubby little paws into your bag of lollies, either. Clever you.

So, if you’re sitting at a table or bar, or whatever, and there are other women with you, maybe they’re friends, maybe their workmates, but they’re all of the species that likes lips covered in shiny goo, and you pull out a fat tube of gloss and apply it to you lips, therefore making you look prettier then them, and forcing them to want to immediately apply some too, should you hold it out as though it were a stick of chewing gum, so that all may have some?

Or, should you gloss your lips with speed and grace mid-conversation and get it back into your bag before anyone even really knows what’s going on, except now you look somehow fresher than you did a few seconds before but they can’t quite put their finger on why… Because that’s your gloss, you bought it, and they’ve all bloody got their own in their bags anyway.

Well? What do you do?
Tell me. Tell me. I NEED TO KNOW.


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