
Fruity little five-year-olds

So, a friend of mine came around with her daughter and her friend the other day, right, and something was a bit wack with her daughter, and I couldn’t figure it out, and then I realised she had STRAIGHT HAIR, which deserves caps because she has the wildest, curliest hair since, you know, ever.

I asked her what had happened.

This is what had happened: The friend’s mum had taken the two girls out with her shopping, and just for the fun of it, got the girls manicures, pedicures (including nail art, as depicted in the first image) and blow dries.

The girls are five.

I was a leeeetle bit shocked. Sure, I mean they’d had an awesome time, (they were so so pumped about the nail art) they’re gonna paint their own nails and do a rotten job of it, so why not have a good, neat job, and as for the hair, well, that can be washed, but I think it’s just this whole thing of, you know, if you’re getting blowies and pedis at five, what can you possibly have to look forward to at 16?

A new set of boobies??

Avital Five_2


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