
The thing about waterproof mascara…

…is that like death metal, it’s really just very misunderstood.

Here are some good things about waterproof mascara:

It’s superb for those who want mascara on their bottom lashes but find their mega volume-building monster mascara they use on their top lashes is smudging and falling down.

It’s excellent for people who may already be using a light mascara (on the top or lower lashes), but still find that they get drop down and the old ‘Non, I’m not ill nor am I sleep deprived, why doth thou ask?’ black eye effect.  (Some people sweat around the eye lids – sounds grosser than it is and is actually way normal.)

It’s rad for summer. Because it’s hot. And humid. And we sweat. And swim. And dance. And regular mascara can’t always cope in such heady conditions.

Here is how you should remove your waterproof mascara:

With an eraser you buy from Office Works. Seriously, just rub your mascara off as though it were pencil. A little known but very effective makeup trick.

Of course, I jest. That would be a very very very silly thing to do.

No, we use a cleansing oil to get rid of waterproof mascara. The oil destroys the hardcore waterproofy bonds and it comes off like a dream. Try Dermalogica pre-cleanse, which also removes long-last makeup and sunscreens. The key is that you must use it on a dry face. You rub it on and massage it in, then add water and lather it off. (Then you cleanse as per normal.)

It doesn’t sting the eyes, it’s very gentle and non-irritating and it’s fricken unreal.

Have a wild friday, fruits.

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