
Uh, I’m down here.

Few of my friends and I were discussing this tonight, during the ad breaks for Entourage.

How strange is it when your hairdresser looks at her/himself in the mirror constantly when they’re doing your hair? And not at your face, but theirs.

They look at themselves when they speak to you, when you speak to them, when no one is speaking… and some of them play with their own hair as they look into the mirror. As in, every time there is an even remotely sizeable chunk of non-foiling/snipping/painting, and their hands are glove free. Especially if they’ve just had their hair done.

I once had a lovely girl blow dry my hair who had just that day switched from blonde to red head and she was mesmerised with her new look. To the point where it was thieving time from my blow dry. I imagine in that scenario I’d be exactly the same, but it was still fascinating for me to watch.

I mean, I can understand when they look at your face when you chat. You’re not going to swivel to look at them every time are you? No, because your blow dry will never get finished or you’ll end up with non-intentional, non-fashion forward and non-ironic uneven hair. And so it kind of makes sense to connect visually through the mirror. But when they’re looking at themselves in the mirror, repeatedly, it begins to becomes a little bit odd. Right? Or is it just me being infantile again?

Look, just like Jenny Lopez not discussing her startlingly, violently obvious possible pregnancy, I’m sure there’s a reason behind the mirror business.

The fact that these guys stare at a room full of mirrors all day probably means they are immune to them, and you know, just do it out of hairdressy habit.

Of course, if anyone ‘in the biz’ can shed some light, I would be very grateful. I love logical explanations. (Especially those concerning things like why prawns insist on swimming backwards.)


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